
Everything on this site is a work in progress and subject to change. It is unlikely to ever be "finished". Notes like this one appear throughout the site as a reminder for me of what still needs to be done.

Mistveil is a homebrew campaign setting created with Pathfinder 1e in mind which is made up of an unknown amount of continents separated by oceans that are cloaked in the titular Mistveil. This strange phenomenon takes the form of a thick mist that cloaks the oceans of the world and has odd supernatural traits. Traveling into the Veil is a dangerous proposition that can spit you out anywhere in the world and is not consistent even in that. If three sailors all left the same port following the same heading, they could all show up in different lands if they reappear at all. Other than the Veil, this world (referred to as the “Externusphere” in academic circles) is hollow with an additional world within it referred to as the "Animasphere" however this revelation is new to most of the world and known by only the most elite or well informed.

Known Continents


Inner Realms

Outer Realms

Homebrew & Alternate Rules