
Mistveil → Depths
One of the most contested and mysterious members of the Omniverse, the Depths are connected to the Material Plane unlike any other. All other planes are thought to float within the Sea of Dreams and be surrounded by Ethereum except the Depths, which seems to be physically connected to the Material Plane somehow. Because of this, there is actually a way outside of planar travel to reach the Depths. Deep in the earth there are cave systems that go miles underground and lead into the Depths, although you wouldn't know it without magical detection because there is no physical way to tell where the Material Plane ends and the Depths begins. The plane itself resembles vast, seemingly never ending underground tunnels and caverns of varying size and length. Some tunnels get as small as rats or come to dead ends, while others lead to massive caverns the size of large cities. The Depths is an incredibly dangerous place that is full of predators who stalk in the dark and poisonous plants (not to mention the poisonous predators) but it also has a fair amount of sentient races as well. Many, but not all, of these races are cruel or harsh in response to the environment they exist in however. A strange phenomenon that has been recorded is the size disparity between the Material Planes and the Depths, that being distance does not seem to translate one to one between the two planes. Even this disparity does not seem to be consistent though, at times you could enter the Depths and walk for dozens of miles only to reemerge a few hundred feet away from where you went underground and the opposite has been recorded as well, with vast areas being covered when only a short time was spent traveling underground.

Native Races


Other native races, locations, factions, etc