Endless Abyss

Mistveil → Endless Abyss
The Endless Abyss is a dangerous place of chaos and savagery and is the home to demons of all kinds. The plane gets its name because it is composed of seemingly endless demiplanes, all of which are physically connected to at least one other demiplane however some can be connected to hundreds at a time in chaotic, random ways. The environments of these demiplanes vary wildly ranging from lush jungles to barren deserts with everything in-between however there are many demiplanes that do not follow such traditional environmental qualities. These bizarre locations can be nearly anything you could conceive, and some which you likely could not, such as demiplanes made entirely of flesh and blood, demiplanes made up entirely of a large boulder floating in a void without any atmosphere, or even demiplanes where certain laws of physics are distorted or missing entirely.

These varied environments makes traversing the Endless Abyss even more dangerous than the fearsome demons that live there. Not every connection between demiplanes is two-way so if you were to blindly leap from demiplane to demiplane you could potentially fall into a location without any oxygen or a demiplane made entirely of living fire without anyway to get back. These guides are exceeding, extraordinarily rare due to it being likely one of, if not the, single most dangerous possession in the Omniverse. Not only would you need to find a guide, you'd have to find one who has the knowledge of the area of the Abyss you wish to traverse because no single entity has ever been able to map the entire plane. Some say to even be able to fully understand how the plane is structed would require you to go quite mad in the process.

Although some of these demiplanes are without any ruler or currently under contestation, many demiplanes are under the control of powerful demons known as Demon Lords. Technically any demon could become a Lord, they simply have to be strong enough to take control of, and keep control of, at least one demiplane. The strongest Demon Lords control dozens of demiplanes though and traveling in their lands require either their permission or their wrath. The Lords are constantly at war with each other in an attempt to grow the area of their control as well as general bloodlust. It's a well known cosmic truth that if the most powerful Demon Lords were to make an alliance, it would likely be the death of all life in the Omniverse.

The denizens of the Endless Abyss are the mortal enemies of both the Celestial Planes of Heaven and the Eight Realms of Hell. Demons despise all life and are beings of pure carnage but the organized nature and laws of the Hells specifically irritate demons and they attempt to invade the plane whenever they are given the opportunity. They always manage to deal some damage but the Archdevils have not had much trouble rebuking the attacks over the many millennia when they work together. The Heavens however take a much more offensive approach to dealing with the demons, constantly invading the Endless Abyss trying to cull as many as they possibly can, lead by the Archangel Abilon.

Known Demon Lords