Sword Saint Samurai
Mistveil → Classes → Sword Saint Samurai
Sword Saints in Baylore are warriors from Sateeg who still honor the tradition based down by it's founders. Unlike other warriors of this culture, known as Samurai, Sword Saints wander the world seeking new challenges to perfect their intricate style of swordplay called Iaijutsu.
The following benefits apply only when a Sword Saint is using a sword and carrying nothing in his other hand.
The Sword Saint is an archetype of the Samurai alternate class and a replacement of the archetype of the same name. Although not required to do so, the Sword Saint is eligible for the special Samurai order, the Order of the Kensai.
Iaijutsu Strike (Ex)
A Sword Saint can perform a lightning quick Iaijutsu Strike against the target of his challenge to inflict devastating wounds while drawing his sword. Against the target of his challenge a sword saint may choose to make an Iaijutsu strike as an attack action or as an attack of opportunity. His weapon must be sheathed prior to making the attack. If he successfully hits his opponent with an Iaijutsu strike, his attack deals an additional +1d6 points of damage. This bonus damage increases by 1d6 at 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter to a maximum of +10d6 damage at 19th level. Any extra damage as a result of a successful Iaijutsu strike is not multiplied by a critical hit. In order to use this ability, the Sword Saint’s weapon must be sheathed before the attack.
After making an Iaijutsu Strike, a Sword Saint takes a –2 penalty to his AC until his next turn, but his weapon is now drawn and he may continually to fight normally. Regardless of whether he hits his opponent with the Iaijutsu Strike, a Sword Saint cannot use this ability on the same foe more than once per day.
At 10th level a Sword Saint's Iaijutsu Strike becomes far more powerful. He no longer suffers a penalty to his AC after performing an Iaijutsu Strike and on a successful attack he deals +1 damage per Iaijutsu Strike die, at 15th level this increases to +2 damage per die.
This ability replaces a Samurai’s mount.
Strike Like Lightning (Ex)
At 3rd level, a Sword Saint’s ability to strike quickly has become one of their biggest advantages in combat. The Sword Saint gains a bonus to his Initiative equal to 1/2 his class level. In addition the Sword Saint can make attacks of opportunity even while flat-footed.
This ability replaces mounted archer.
Terrifying Iaijutsu (Ex)
At 5th level, a Sword Saint’s Iaijutsu Strike devastates the morale of foes that witness it. When a Sword Saint successfully hits with an Iaijutsu Strike, all foes within 30 feet must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the Sword Saint’s class level + the Sword Saint’s Cha modifier) or become shaken for 1d4+1 rounds.
This ability replaces banner.
Roaring Iaijutsu (Ex)
At 14th level, when a Sword Saint draws his blade to perform an Iaijutsu Strike, the blade leaves the sheath with such force and speed that it creatures a thunderclap and the target of the Iaijutsu Strike may become stunned. When a Sword Saint performs an Iaijutsu Strike (whether or not he lands his blow), his challenged enemy must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the Sword Saint’s class level + the Sword Saint’s Str or Dex modifier) or be stunned for until the Sword Saint's next turn.
This ability replaces greater banner.
Clarifications about Iaijutsu Strike, Vital Strike, and Weapon Expertise
An Iaijutsu Strike cannot be used in conjunction with the Vital Strike feat.
The Samurai's Weapon Expertise class feature counts as the Quick Draw feat for the purposes of prerequisites but if it is used as a prerequisite for another feat, whatever that feat allows you to do can only be done with the weapon the Samurai selected for Weapon Expertise. For example, if the Samurai was to take the Improved Quick Draw feat we would fulfill the prerequisites but would only be able to threaten all squares while his weapon is sheathed if that weapon was also the same type he selected for his Samurai's Weapon Expertise class feature.