Wand Speaker Warlock

MistveilClasses → Wand Speaker Warlock
Some Warlocks find the whispers of magic items particularly strong, especially those coming from wands. Being drawn to these items allows them to tap greater power from them but it comes at the cost of some of his defensive and offensive powers.

Eldritch Blast

Due to the Wand Speaker’s powerful connection with magic items, their traditional bond with their patron is somewhat weaker than other Warlocks. Because of this their Eldritch Blast is less effective, only dealing d6 damage rather than d8.

The ability alters Eldritch Blast.


The Wand Speaker cannot take any Warlock Invocation. This does not disqualify them from taking the Extra Invocation feat.

This ability alters the Minor Invocations, Major Invocations, and Greater Invocations abilities.

Identify Wand

The Wand Speaker can identify the spell stored in a wand by handling and examining the wand for 1 minute and making a successful Spellcraft check (DC 15 + twice the level of the stored spell). No retry is allowed on this check until the Wand Speaker gains a new rank in Spellcraft.

Power Surge

As a standard action, the Wand Speaker is able to channel his eldritch energies into a wand to supercharge it, this grants the wand a temporary charge. Like temporary hit points, temporary charges are expended first before regular charges. The number of temporary charges given to the wand increases as the Wand Speaker gains levels, allowing them to put 2 temporary charges into a wand at level 4 and an additional charge level 4 levels thereafter. These temporary charges last 1 minute per level. When the duration expires, any remaining temporary charges are lost. If the spell within the wand has any material components that cost more than 1gp, the Wand Speaker must expend those material components for each charge they are placing in the wand at the time of using this ability. If the temporary charges are not used before the duration expires, the material components are lost.

The Wand Speaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to half their warlock level rounded up (minimum 1).

Wand Juggler

At 2nd level, the Wand Speaker becomes familiar with the wands he has stowed away and gains the Quick Draw and Quick Stow feats as bonus feats.

At 5th level, the Wand Speaker gains Wand Dancer feat as a bonus feat.

This ability replaces the Eldritch Body and Warlock Supreme.

Eldritch Channeling

At 3rd level, the Wand Speaker gains the ability to channel his Eldritch Blast through the wands that he is using. When the Wand Speaker activates a wand with a spell that deals no damage and has a single target, they can choose to expend an additional charge from the wand to also channel an Eldritch Blast through the wand. This energy was meant to be channeled through you, not a wand however so when used this way it deals d4 damage instead of d6. If the spell has has an attack roll (such as a touch or ray spell), the Eldritch Blast uses the same attack roll. If the spell allows for a saving throw to prevent the effect of the spell entirely, it also prevents half the damage from the Eldritch Blast. If the spell allows for a saving throw to only partially prevent the spell effect, the Eldritch Blast is unaffected. If the spell does not call for an attack roll nor allow for a saving throw (such as the Ill Omen spell), the target must make a Will saving throw equal to 10 + ½ the warlock’s level + the warlock’s Charisma modifier. This counts as the single Eldritch Blast you can use in a single round.

Starting at 16th level, the Wand Speaker has mastered the ability to channel their Eldritch Blast through wands. Now when they do so, they deal their normal d6 damage instead of the lowered d4.

Eldritch Resonance

At 5th level, the Wand Speaker can lay out any wands on his person while meditating and drawing strength from his patron as a part of restoring his spells per day. Doing this recharges each of the wands by 1 charge each as long as they are traditional spell-trigger items capable of being recharged normally.

This ability replaces the Eldritch Resilience ability.

Wand Forger

At 5th level, the Wand Speaker learns how to craft the items that speak to him. He gains the Craft Wand and Imbue Item feats as bonus feats.

This ability replaces the Energy Resistance ability.

Potent Wands

At 5th level, the Wand Speaker uses their own Charisma score and relevant feats to set the DC for saves against spells they cast from a wand.

At 11th level, the Wand Speaker also uses their own caster level when activating the power of a wand if it’s higher than the caster level of the wand.

Spectral Double Wand Wielder

At 6th level, the Wand Speaker can use his Eldritch Hands ability to wield an offhand wand. The wand has to be held near your offhand and appears to float in the air (unless the Wand Speaker wants to hold it in their offhand to hide the fact that it is being manipulated with magic). Putting a wand into your Eldritch Hand is a Standard Action, just like activating the ability, but after it is “wielding” the wand it continues to do so until the Wand Speaker or an external source dispels the effect. Activating a wand being held by the Eldritch Hands uses an extra charge but otherwise acts normally. When you have a wand in both your main hand and your Eldritch hands, you can activate them both as a full-round action, this still uses the extra charge required for activating the off-hand wand. As long as your Eldritch Hands is holding a wand, the Wand Speaker cannot use the Telekinesis ability.

This ability alters the Eldritch Hands ability.

Metamagic Wands

At 6th level, the Wand Speaker can use any metamagic feat they know while activating a wand they are holding. Applying a metamagic feat to a wand this way uses an amount of additional charges equal to the spell level modification of the metamagic feat being applied. This ability cannot be used on a wand the Wand Speaker is holding with his Spectral Double Wand Wielder ability.

In addition, the Wand Speaker gains a metamagic feat that he meets the prerequisites for but can only use this feat to alter his wands. He can take the feat again through other means (such as leveling up) and have it apply to his regular spells as well if he wishes. He gains an additional metamagic feat this way at 9th level and every 3 levels thereafter.

Powerful Wands

The Wand Speaker can begin to load wands with spells more powerful than 4th level. At 12th level the Wand Speaker can craft wands that hold 5th level spells and at 17th level the Wand Speaker can craft wands that hold 6th level spells.

This ability replaces the Eldritch Aura ability.