Aspect of the Elephant

MistveilClassesBeast DancerAnimal Aspects → Aspect of the Elephant
While entering your Beast Dance, Leyline energy builds around your face and body before extending into a large, powerful trunk and thick outer skin.

When gaining this aspect you and your Bonded Companion each gain a slam attack. The slam is treated as a primary natural weapon and has the Grab trait, granting a free action grapple when you successfully hit with the attack. The slam deals bludgeoning damage appropriate to your and your companion's size category (medium slam attacks deal 1d4 damage, refer to the Improved Natural Attack chart for dice progression).

If you or your Bonded Companion already have a slam attack, treat the damage of it as if it was one size category higher.

In addition, while you have this aspect active, you and your Bonded Companion gain a bonus to their existing natural armor based on the Beast Dancer's level.

Level Bonus
4th +1
8th +2
12th +3
16th +4
20th +5