Aspect of the Hedgehog
Mistveil → Classes → Beast Dancer → Animal Aspects → Aspect of the Hedgehog
While entering your Beast Dance, Leyline energy bursts forward in the shape of sharp spines from all over your back making it difficult to grab onto or attack without getting hurt.
When gaining this aspect you and your Bonded Companion each gain a spine attack. The spine attack is treated as a secondary natural weapon. The spines deals piercing damage appropriate to your and your companion's size category (medium spine attacks deal 1d4 damage, refer to the Improved Natural Attack chart for dice progression).
If you or your Bonded Companion already have a spine attack somehow, treat the damage of it as if it was one size category higher.
In addition, while you have this aspect active, if you or your Bonded Companion are grappled the attacker immediately takes damage from your spine attack (including any normal bonuses to damage from a standard attack with the spines).
Also, if anyone attempts an attack against you or your Bonded Companion from within your threatened areas, after their attack roll is made but before the GM announces the result, whoever is being attacked may twist and point their spines towards them to try to damage the attacker and possibly interrupt the attack. As an immediate action, make a spine attack against the attacker and if you hit, in addition to normal damage, you benefit from a 50% miss chance as if you had concealment from their attack.