Aspect of the Spider
Mistveil → Classes → Beast Dancer → Animal Aspects → Aspect of the Spider
While entering your Beast Dance, Leyline energy infuses your hands and feet making them tougher and able to stick to even vertical surfaces. It also builds in your throat, giving you the ability to produce a sticky web substance.
When gaining this aspect you and your Bonded Companion each gain the ability to launch a bolt of web from their mouths as a ranged touch attack. The target of the attack is affected as if under the effects of a web spell. If the target of the Beast Dancer's web attack is hit by a second use of this ability in the same round of combat (presumably from the Beast Dancer's Bonded Companion), the target is considered to have the pinned condition instead of just being grappled until they are able to free themselves from the attack or someone else frees them. If the Beast Dancer's Beast Dance ends while their target is still under the effects of the web attack, the webs fade away and they are immediately freed.
In addition, while you have this aspect active, you and your Bonded Companion gain the ability to climb on vertical surfaces or even upside down, as if under the effect of spider climb.