Aspect of the Velociraptor

MistveilClassesBeast DancerAnimal Aspects → Aspect of the Velociraptor
While entering your Beast Dance, Leyline energy sharpens into savage talons and narrow feathers along your legs.

When gaining this aspect you and your Bonded Companion each gain talons. These talons are treated as primary natural weapons, allowing you to make two talon attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus. The talons deal damage appropriate to your and your companion's size category (medium talon attacks deal 1d6 damage, refer to the Improved Natural Attack chart for dice progression).

If you or your Bonded Companion already have a talon attack, treat the damage of it as if it was one size category higher.

In addition, while you have this aspect active, you and your Bonded Companion ignore difficult terrain while charging and your talon natural attacks deal double damage while charging.

At 8th level, you and your Bonded Companion gain the ability to make an Acrobatics check to leap forward while charging, dealing +1 damage for every 5 feet leaped before the attack.