Cannon Upgrades
Mistveil → Classes → Dragonfire Sharpshooter → Cannon Upgrades
Loading Chamber
A special sliding chamber that is installed towards the bottom of the barrel of the Dragonfire Cannon. This chamber can be opened to allow the wielder of the firearm to load it much faster than usual. Having this upgrade allows the wielder of the Dragonfire Cannon to reload the firearm one step master than normal. Unlike most Cannon Upgrades, this upgrade cannot be removed without replacing the entire barrel.
By adding a small additional barrel underneath your main primary barrel, you gain the ability to make additional attacks with your Dragonfire Cannon at the cost of accuracy. When making a full-attack action, you can fire an additional time this round at your highest bonus but all of your attack rolls take a –2 penalty. This upgrade can be taken a maximum of three times which each add an additional attack with an additional -2 cumulative penalty (meaning if you used all three barrels, all your attacks for the round would suffer a -6 penalty to their attack roll). These barrels do less damage than your primary attack, doing the damage of a musket of the Dragonfire Sharpshooter’s size category (which is one below the damage of the base Dragonfire Cannon). To reload these barrels at once it takes the same time as the base Dragonfire Cannon. This reload speed is affected by things like Rapid Reload but is not affected by the Loading Chamber Cannon Upgrade. Each of the barrels also uses the firearm’s misfire chance (and are affected by the Reinforced Barrel Cannon Upgrade) but cannot be loaded with alchemical cartridges.
Stabilizing Stock
This stock attached to the back of the Dragonfire Cannon steadies the firearm and allows for more precise attacks. With this upgrade, the wielder of the Dragonfire Cannon acts as if they had the Precise Shot feat. If the wielder already has this feat, once he reaches a Base Attack Bonus of +11, he acts as if he had Improved Precise Shot instead.
A sharp piercing blade attached to the bottom (or the top) of the Dragonfire Cannon’s barrel, this special bayonet allows a Dragonfire Sharpshooter to be more useful up close and personal. This weapon acts like a normal bayonet of the wielder’s size category except that the Dragonfire Cannon can still be fired while it is attached. In addition, once per round (this is unaffected by the Teeth of the Dragon Essence), if the Dragonfire Cannon is loaded, the wielder can fire their Dragonfire Ordnance as part of the melee attack. This still uses the normal melee attack bonus to hit and is against normal armor class, not touch. If the attack hits it deals additional damage as if the target was hit by a ranged attack using Dragonfire Ordnance without provoking an attack of opportunity. Unlike most Cannon Upgrades, this upgrade can be removed or reattached as a move action.
Equipping the Dragonfire Cannon with a scope allows for easier attacks at long distances. Increase the range increment of the Dragonfire Cannon by 10ft and the penalty for each range increment beyond the first decreases from -2 per increment to -1.
Enhanced Scope
This upgrade requires the Scope Cannon Upgrade. By making further enhancements to the lens of your Dragonfire Cannon’s scope, you’ve managed to increase the range increment by another 10ft and gained the ability to see invisible targets (as the spell See Invisibility) through the scope as well. You can see invisible targets up to the max range of your Dragonfire Cannon, only while you have the weapon drawn, and are able to look down the sight.
Reinforced Barrel
By hardening the barrel of the Dragonfire Cannon with traditional and magical methods, you reduce the chance of your firearm misfiring. This upgrade can be taken multiple times and each time your misfire chance is reduced by 1. Unlike most Cannon Upgrades, this upgrade cannot be removed without replacing the entire barrel.