Tainted Bloodline
Mistveil → Classes → Tainted Bloodline
Power can come from dark places, yours comes from the Tainted Blood. Perhaps you had an ancestor that was cured of the Tainted Blood before turning, or perhaps you yourself have been infected but whatever the source, it has had an influence on you and grants great and terrible powers.
Class Skill: Knowledge (religion) (Int)
Bonus Spells: Charm Person (3rd), Touch of Bloodletting (5th), Vampiric Touch or Waves of Blood (7th), Blessing of Fervor (9th), Blood Boil (11th), Circle of Death (13th), Umbral Strike (15th), Death Clutch (17th), Transmute Blood to Acid (19th)
Bonus Feats: Alertness, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Extend Spell, Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (necromancy), Skill Focus (Perception), Silent Spell, Still Spell, Toughness.
Bloodline Arcana: Anytime you cast a spell from the Necromancy school of magic, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the level of the spell cast.
Bloodline Powers: Tapping into the power of the Tainted Blood gives you access to many supernatural powers.
- Draining Touch (Su): At 1st level you can attempt a melee touch attack against a living target a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. If successful you deal 1d6 + your Charisma modifier Bleed on the target and gain temporary hit points equal to half the amount of damage (rounded down, minimum 1) they take from this source of bleed each round for as long as they continue to take the damage.
- Undead Resistance (Su): At 3rd level you gain Natural Armor of 1 and DR 5/ silver and magic.
- Resist Death’s Touch (Su): At 9th level, you gain a bonus to any saving throw versus death effects, negative energy drain or damage, fear or other spells or spell-like abilities from the school of necromancy equal to ½ your class level.
- Gaseous Form (Su): At 15th level, you can become gaseous, as per gaseous form. This can be used for as many rounds per day as you have caster levels, but these rounds do not need to be consecutive.
- Ruler of the Night: At 20th level, you gain any one Vampire Talent even if you do not have the perquisites for the talent.