Blood Divination
Mistveil → Classes → Vampire Scion → Vampire Talents → Blood Divination
Prerequisite(s): Read the Blood class feature.
Benefits: When a Vampire with this talent attempts to read surface thoughts of the victim of their Blood Drain, they can choose to delve even deeper and search the victim's mind for specific information while tied to their lifeforce instead. The Vampire can "ask" a number of questions equal to 1 plus the amount of constitution damage dealt by their Blood Drain and if the victim knows the answer it comes to the Vampire's mind. The questions are purely telepathic inquiries, and the answers to those questions are imparted directly to the Vampire's mind. The Vampire and the target don’t need to speak the same language, though less intelligent creatures may yield up only appropriate sensory images in answer to the questions. If the target is aware of the Vampire while they use their Blood Drain, the target can attempt a will saving throw (DC 10 + ½ the Vampire's level + the Vampire's Charisma modifier) to prevent this effect.
In addition, if the Vampire has a vial of a creature's blood, stored while the Vampire used their Blood Drain on the creature, they can sip it to attempt to detect the creature from even great distances. This ability acts as the Scrying spell except the Vampire sees the target through their own eyes instead of through a pool of water (the Vampire can "lower" and "raise" this vision at-will) and is also aware of the distance and direction of the target. The Vampire is considered to have a "Body part, lock of hair, bit of nail, etc." connection with the target, the caster level of the spell is equal to the Vampire's level, and the saving throw is Charisma based.