Blood Mist
Mistveil → Classes → Vampire Scion → Vampire Talents → Blood Mist
Benefits: A Vampire with this talent can conjure a cloud of red mist which can provide the Vampire with cover and chokes those unfortunate enough to be within the cloud. The Vampire can use this talent a number of times per day equal to half their level rounded down (minimum 1). This talent acts as an Obscuring Mist with a caster level equal to the Vampire's level except it lasts 1 round per level, can be conjured at a medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft./level), and any living creature that begins their turn within the mist who isn't already suffering from it's effect must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + ½ the Vampire's level + the Vampire's Charisma modifier) or become staggered for 1d4 rounds.