Draining Caress

MistveilClassesVampire ScionVampire Talents → Draining Caress
Prerequisite(s): Any four Seducer talents.

Benefits: Once per day, a Vampire with this talent can, as a standard action, lightly caress their target draining the life force from them. To do this the Vampire must simply touch a living creature however if their target is currently hostile or unwilling to let the Vampire simply touch them, the Vampire must succeed on a melee touch attack (missing does not waste the usage) against them. If the Vampire is successful they deal 1d8 points damage per two levels to their target and gain an amount of temporary hit points equal to the damage they deal. They cannot gain more than the target's current hit points + the subject’s Constitution score (which is enough to kill the target). The temporary hit points disappear 1 hour later. In addition the Vampire's Fast Healing is increased by 1 for the next hour. The target can attempt a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + ½ the Vampire's level + the Vampire's Charisma modifier) to prevent half of this damage.

Once the Vampire reaches 15th level, they can use this ability twice per day and after reaching 20th level, they can use it three times per day.