
Mistveil → Feats

Combat Feats

Feat Name Category/Type Prerequisites Benefit
Attune Magic Weapon Combat/Item Creation Craft Magic Arms and Armor, caster level 5th Gain a bonus on attack and damage while wielding a magic weapon.
Battle Caster Combat Ability to ignore arcane spell failure chance from armor, base attack bonus +5 Cast spells without being impaired while in heavier armor.
Reload on the Go Combat Rapid Reload (any firearm) Reload your firearm as you change position.

General Feats

Feat Name Category/Type Prerequisites **Benefit **
Evolved Companion General Animal Companion class feature. Companion gains a 1-point eidolon evolution.
Extra Invocation General Warlock Invocations. Gain an extra Warlock Invocation.
Extra Beast Dance General Beast Dance class feature. Gain additional uses of Beast Dance.
Extra Shadowbane Power General Shadowbane Power class feature. Gain an additional Shadowbane Power.
Extra Inspiration General Draconic Inspiration class feature. Gain two additional Draconic Inspiration points.
Extra Upgrade General Dragonfire Cannon class feature. Gain an extra upgrade for your Dragonfire Cannon.
Skill Focus (linguistics) General - You are particularly adept at the linguistics skill.

Item Creation Feats

Feat Name Category/Type Prerequisites Benefit
Attune Magic Weapon Combat/Item Creation Craft Magic Arms and Armor, caster level 5th Gain a bonus on attack and damage while wielding a magic weapon.
Exceptional Artisan Item Creation Any item creation feat. Create magic items 25% faster.
Extra Ring Item Creation Forge Ring. Benefit from wearing a third magic ring instead of just two.
Imbue Item Item Creation Deceive Item class feature. Use your Warlock powers to emulate the magic of spells while crafting an item.
Inscribe Magical Tattoo Item Creation Caster level 5th, 5 ranks in Craft (calligraphy, paintings, or tattoos) or Spellcraft, and Inscribe Spell Tattoo. Creature magical tattoos that act as items inked directly into the flesh.
Inscribe Spell Tattoo Item Creation Caster Level 1st, 1 rank in Craft (calligraphy, paintings, or tattoos) or Spellcraft. Create and infuse a tattoo with the power of a spell.
Wand Mastery Item Creation Craft Wand, caster level 9th. Wands are more potent in your hands.

Ki Reserve Feats

Feat Name Category/Type Prerequisites Benefit
Soul Speak Ki Reserve Ki Pool, Linguistics 5 Ranks Reserve a point of Ki to be able to communicate telepathically

Metamagic Feats

Feat Name Category/Type Prerequisites Benefit
Divine Metamagic Metamagic Channel Energy class feature, any metamagic feat. Use Channel Energy uses to cast metamagic spells easier.

Paragon Feats

Feat Name Category/Type Prerequisites Benefit
Tainted Blood Paragon See Special The Tainted Blood has started to transform you into a creature of the night.

Racial Feats

Feat Name Category/Type Prerequisites Benefit
Adjust Charge Racial (Dragonborn) Dragonborn. Use your tail to adjust your charge trajectory.
Dark Ancestry Racial (Dhampir) Dhampir, hit dice 3. Gain one Vampire Talent you meet the prerequisites for.
Greater Shape Change Racial (Changeling) Improved Shape Change, disguise 7 ranks. Gain any moment types of a creature you change into.
Improved Shape Change Racial (Changeling) Changeling disguise 5 ranks. Gain any sensory abilities of the humanoid that you change into.
Persona Immersion Racial (Changeling) Changeling, Mutable Mind and Body racial trait. Deceive divination magic.
Quick Change Racial (Changeling) Changeling. Shapeshift faster than normal Changelings.
Rechargeable Breath Weapon Racial (Dragonborn) Dragonborn, hit dice 8. Use your Breath Weapon at-will with a recharge rather than a number of times per day.