Inscribe Magical Tattoo
Mistveil → Feats → Inscribe Magical Tattoo
Prerequisites: Caster level 5th, 5 ranks in Craft (calligraphy, paintings, or tattoos) or Spellcraft, and Inscribe Spell Tattoo.
Benefits: You can create magical tattoos, magic items inked directly into the flesh of a willing or helpless creature. Both you and the recipient of the tattoo (if the recipient is not yourself) must be present during the entire tattooing process. Magic tattoos must be placed on a part of the body normally able to hold a magic item slot, but they do not count against or interfere with magic items worn on those slots. A single slot can only hold one magical tattoo (non-magical tattoos and tattoos acquired from the tattooed sorcerer archetype do not count against this limit). Tattoos may be inscribed on the following slots: belt, body, chest, feet, hands, head, neck, shoulder, ring (up to two), or wrist. They cannot be inscribed on armor, eye, headband, or shield slots.
Magical tattoos are difficult to destroy, though they count as magic items for the purposes of Dispel Magic. The spell Erase can permanently destroy a magical tattoo, but the bearer of the tattoo can resist the spell with a Will save, in addition to the caster needing to make a successful caster level check to erase the tattoo. Physically removing a magical tattoo with a sharp instrument or defacing it with fire or acid can destroy it as well. Doing so is a full-round action that not only requires the target to be willing or helpless, but also provokes attacks of opportunity. At least 2 points of damage per caster level of the tattoo must be dealt to destroy a magical tattoo in this manner.
Magical tattoos follow the rules for magic item creation as though they were wondrous items, except that they can use the Craft (calligraphy, paintings, or tattoos) skill. New magical tattoos can be researched and designed using the guidelines for pricing new magic items the same way that wondrous items are priced.
You can now use Inscribe Spell Tattoo on other willing subjects as well rather than just on yourself.