Adjust Charge

MistveilFeats → Adjust Charge
Using your powerful tail you are able to steer slightly while charging.

Prerequisites: Dragonborn

Benefit: While making a charge special attack, you may make two 5ft movements that aren't towards the closest possible path to your target. This movement can be taken into effect before starting your charge which may change which space you charge towards and counts towards the total movement you can make while charging (typically up to double your speed).

For example, if you normally would be unable to charge towards a target because a line from your starting space to the ending space passes through an invalid square, instead you may draw a line from your starting square to the square where you will make the first special 5 foot movement with this feat, a line from that square to the second special 5 foot movement you are going to make, then finally from that point to the closest square from which you can attack the opponent. If you are able to do so without passing through an invalid square then you can charge this way.