
MistveilRaces → Aasimar
The Aasimar are a mysterious and rare race that seem to appear out of thin air. Allegedly no one has ever seen a newborn or infant Aasimar, they come walking into a town or are found sleeping in the forest as young children with seemingly no memories of their lives before that moment. This mysterious origin is very similar to another odd race, the Tiefling, which has led to theories of the two races being connected in some way. The most common myth around the Aasimar's origin is that a prayer said for a newborn lost at birth is answered and a Celestial takes the soul of the lost child. The outsider then creates a new body for the soul and places them back into the world. Physically Aasimar tend to be slender and tall, slightly taller than an average human, and have very vibrant features including porcelain white skin. They tend to have blonde hair and the iris of their eyes are usually bright blue or golden.


Aasimar Racial Traits

Aasimar Alternate Racial Traits

Aasimar Favored Class Bonuses