
MistveilRaces → Amica
Amica are humanoid hounds, usually standing about a head taller than the average Human, covered in fur, and usually sporting lean muscle. Amica have quite a large racial dimorphism, like their cousin race the Vafer, and come in many shapes and sizes. The race excels at physical activity and often have a strong sense of loyalty and a protective nature. For that reason, Amica found outside of their villages are commonly hired as guards and bodyguards and have great reputations in those fields.

Amica in Parcël

In Parcël, the fundamental beliefs of Amica culture are that a good warrior is strong, honorable, and loyal. In their villages, found in the eastern half of the Double Plains, fighting tournaments and sporting events are held fairly commonly and outsiders are welcome to test themselves among the Amica warriors. Although any older warriors who once proved themselves but can no longer participate in every event make day-to-day decisions in Amica villages, any decision that affects the village as a whole is made democratically with every village member having a say. In fact outsiders who prove themselves worthy in tournaments or events also are given an equal say. It is not uncommon for sparring matches to form at these parliaments when affluent members of the village have opposing views and the outcomes of these matches can seriously effect the outcome of the vote. The Amica are friendly with their Vafer cousins west of the river that separates them, but don't hold their academic ways in much regard and tend to keep to their half of the Double Plains.


Amica Racial Traits

Amica Alternate Racial Traits

Amica Favored Class Bonuses