Mistveil → Races → Amica
Amica are humanoid hounds, usually standing about a head taller than the average Human, covered in fur, and usually sporting lean muscle. Amica have quite a large racial dimorphism, like their cousin race the Vafer, and come in many shapes and sizes. The race excels at physical activity and often have a strong sense of loyalty and a protective nature. For that reason, Amica found outside of their villages are commonly hired as guards and bodyguards and have great reputations in those fields.
Amica in Parcël
In Parcël, the fundamental beliefs of Amica culture are that a good warrior is strong, honorable, and loyal. In their villages, found in the eastern half of the Double Plains, fighting tournaments and sporting events are held fairly commonly and outsiders are welcome to test themselves among the Amica warriors. Although any older warriors who once proved themselves but can no longer participate in every event make day-to-day decisions in Amica villages, any decision that affects the village as a whole is made democratically with every village member having a say. In fact outsiders who prove themselves worthy in tournaments or events also are given an equal say. It is not uncommon for sparring matches to form at these parliaments when affluent members of the village have opposing views and the outcomes of these matches can seriously effect the outcome of the vote. The Amica are friendly with their Vafer cousins west of the river that separates them, but don't hold their academic ways in much regard and tend to keep to their half of the Double Plains.
Amica Racial Traits
- Ability Score Racial Traits: The Amica are strong and agile but their race’s focus on these aspects has lessened their academic prowess. They gain +2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Int.
- Size: Amica are Medium creatures.
- Type: Amica are Humanoids with the Caine subtype.
- Base Speed: Amica have a base speed of 30 feet.
- Languages: Amica's native language is Cainos.
- Keen Senses: Amica receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
- Color Blind (Ex): The Amica have trouble distinguishing between colors and see the world in shades of greyed out color. Because of this they receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against Illusion spells as well because they don’t see the magic in the way the caster intended.
- Naturally Brave: Amica gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear effects.
- Bounding Stride: Amica gain a 10-foot racial bonus to their speed when using the charge, run, or withdraw actions. This requires the Amica to be unrestricted in movement so this bonus is lost if the Amica is wearing any armor that lowers his base speed or if the Amica has a medium or heavy load.
- Low-Light Vision: Amica can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
- Age:
- Adulthood: 13
- Middle Age: 30
- Old: 45
- Venerable: 60
- Maximum Age: 80
Amica Alternate Racial Traits
- Bite: Some Amica have developed stronger jaws and are able to use them in combat. Amica with this racial trait gain a natural bite attack, dealing 1d3 damage. If the Amica gains the Improved Grapple feat, he may make a bite attack in order to initiate the grapple. Once in the grapple, the Amica may deal his bite damage each round he has control. This racial trait replaces Bounding Stride and Keen Senses.
- Scent: Many Amica have trained their already heightened senses to be able to track others using only their scent. Amica with this racial trait gain the Scent ability. This racial trait replaces Naturally Brave.
- Long Stride: Although most Amica have the ability to use bursts of speed during combat maneuvers, some Amica have focused on training their speed all together. Amica with this racial trait have a 10 feet bonus to their base speed but the Amica loses this bonus if he is restricted in movement. This bonus is lost if the Amica is wearing any armor that lowers his base speed or if the Amica has a medium or heavy load. This racial trait replaces Keen Senses and Bounding Stride.
Amica Favored Class Bonuses
- Barbarian: Add a +1/2 bonus to the barbarian’s trap sense.
- Brawler: Add 1 foot to the brawler’s base speed. In combat, this has an effect only for every five increases in the brawler’s base speed.
- Fighter: Add +1 to the fighter’s CMD when resisting a bull rush or trip.
- Hunter: Add 1 foot to the hunter’s companion’s base speed. In combat, this has an effect only for every five increases in base speed.
- Monk: Add +1 to the monk’s base speed. In combat this option has no effect unless the monk has selected it five times (or another increment of five). This bonus stacks with the monk’s fast movement class feature and applies under the same conditions as that feature.
- Ranger: Add +1/4 dodge bonus to armor Class against the Amica's favored enemies.
- Slayer: Increase the studied target bonus on Perception and Survival checks by 1/4. When the slayer gains the stalker class feature, the slayer also gains this increase to the studied target bonus on Stealth checks.
- Swashbuckler: Increase the total number of points in the swashbuckler’s panache pool by 1/4.
- Vigilante: Add 1/2 to the DC increase from unshakable.
- Warpriest: Gain 1/6 of a new bonus combat feat.