
MistveilRaces → Dhampir
An extremely rare and tragic race, Dhampir are a result of a bond between a Vampire and a Human. This bond is not the result of traditional sex or even assault however, a Dhampir is born when a pregnant woman who is very close to going into labor, is attacked by a vampire. If the child manages to survive against all odds, they might absorb tainted blood through their mother and take on traits from the attacker. Their hair, eye, and skin colors resemble unnerving versions of their mothers’; many possess a ghastly pallor, particularly in the sunlight, while those with dark complexions often possess skin the color of a bruise. While many Dhampir can pass as humans in ideal conditions, their features are inevitably more pronounced and they move with an unnaturally fluid grace. All Dhampir have elongated incisors and, while not true fangs, these teeth are sharp enough to draw blood and many suffer a reprehensible desire to indulge in sanguinary delights despite the fact that the act provides most Dhampir with no physical benefit.

Dhampir in Baylore

Dhampir are mostly unknown across Baylore due to the sparsity of vampires in the country. However if their origin was found out, rest assured, they would likely be chased from towns or even hunted down.

Dhampir in Parcël

In Parcël the large population of Vampires in the Bloodvine Jungle are a constant threat to the inhabitants of the surrounding areas. The Vampires' proximity to the only Human population on Parcël does occasionally lead to the birth of a Dhampir but due to the extremely difficult circumstances of their creations mean they are still extraordinarily rare. The few that do exist mostly still live among the other colonists in New Voadlan, passing as Human, and trying desperately to keep their origin a secret. The fear of the nocturnal monsters the colonists have means an outed Dhampir only being exiled and left to risk the dangerous wilderness would be the best case scenario for them.

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Dhampir Racial Traits

Dhampir Alternate Racial Traits

Dhampir Favored Class Bonuses