
MistveilRaces → Duergar
Native to the Depths, the Duergar are a subterranean race of Dwarves. Physically Duergar look very similar to their Dwarven cousins except their skin tone ranges from light greys to dark blacks. There are many different settlements, nations, and clans of Duergar in the Depths all with varying cultures but what they tend to have in common is a sense of superiority, often presenting as extreme narcissism, delusions of grandeur, or even bigotry towards perceived "lesser races". Duergar culture is usually very militaristic and disciplined with a strong sense of duty and responsibility. This focus on strictness also reflects in their cruel punishments for breaking tradition, normally involving painful public demonstrations or capital punishment.

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Duergar Racial Traits

Duergar Alternate Racial Traits

Duergar Favored Class Bonuses