
MistveilRaces → Dwarves
Dwarves are stout humanoids, usually a foot shorter than their Human counterparts, but much broader. They have thick, heavy bones, tightly packed muscular sinew, and a stability unmatched by other races. This bulk also causes dwarves to weigh as much, if not more than, Humans.

Dwarves in the Kingdom of Razuth

The largest population of Dwarves on Mortend is the Kingdom of Razuth and is found throughout the mountains on the north east of the continent. Dwarven legends state that a great Dragon named Razuth appeared one day and laid waste to the world, mist flowing from it's mouth and covering the world, creating the Mistveil. These legends say Razuth was a creation of fate designed to allow the Dwarves (and specifically their first Hero King) to prove themselves and be rewarded for doing so. After slaying the Dragon, he fell to the earth, landing on Mortend, where his body become the mineral rich mountains where the Kingdom of Razuth now stands and his head became Razuth's Maw, the volcano south west of the kingdom that constantly spews forth endless ash. The Dwarves of the Kingdom of Razuth see mining and working stone within the bounds of their kingdom as the reaping of gifts given to them by fate and as such it is seen as a divine experience. Because of this the Dwarves refuse entry in their mines or the creation of new mines by any other race in their borders and will threaten war if this warning is ignored.

The Kingdom of Razuth operates many mining colonies around northern Mortend worked by slaves. These slaves are made up from surrounding races such as Bugbears and Hobgoblins as well as other Dwarves who are from the Lower Kingdom, which is what the Dwarves call the subterranean section of their territory. The need for more and more of these slaves as the kingdom continues to expand it's colonies without taking the time to make sure the mines have the proper safety measures in place has caused many to die in cave-ins and has garnered the Dwarves a reputation as cruel slavers

Although not social creatures, Dwarves put a large emphasis on appearing and acting noble. This includes ritualistic bathing performed before and after a day of mining as well as after combat. Dwarves tend to be particularly frustrated at Kobolds who form mining communities within Razuth's Spine but despite constant raids from Dwarves, there always seems to be more Kobolds.

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Dwarf Racial Traits

Dwarf Alternate Racial Traits

Dwarf Favored Class Bonuses