
MistveilRaces → Gathlain
According to some Fey ballads, Gathlain were one of the first peoples awakened in the the primal Feywilds. Gathlain grow from the seeds of an enormous Archtree, which can spread across the entire Feywilds before planting themselves and sprouting into a juvenile Gathlain. Rarely, these seeds even leave the plane of existence entirely and float across the Sea of Dreams, picked up by Planar Winds, until they settle in another plane of existence or demiplane. Despite being born with a basic understanding of their world, Gathlain are inquisitive to a fault. They are known to be invaluable guides and knowledgeable explorers once they become familiar with an area but some find their incessant curiosity and constant questions to be quite grating.

Physically Gathlain stand between two and a half and three and a half feet tall and typically weigh between twenty two and thirty pounds. Sprouting from the back of these Fey creatures are wings made of vines, bark, and leaves that give them flight, albeit not the most graceful flight. Gathlain prefer to wear a mix of clothing, with a base of natural materials like grass skirts or simply woven tunics combined with bits of finery gathered from a variety of sources.

Gathlain society is built around art, discovery, experimentation, and storytelling. These fey constantly seek new ways to look at the world. Although Gathlain tend to engage in raucous romances born of melodramatic or fanciful encounters, they do not procreate conventionally from such pairings, even when the two happen to be of different physical sexes. Gathlain show little interest in gender, finding it quaint when other races use it as a basis for assigning roles or choosing partners.

Mischievous and capricious, Gathlain have discordant temperaments. Most are chaotic, and they tend to be morally neutral. The typical Gathlain finds mortal religions strange; like many Fey, they trade respect and token offerings to godlike Archfey in exchange for protection, but they see little difference between that and offerings to lesser kings and queens.

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Gathlain Racial Traits

Gathlain Alternate Racial Traits


Gathlain Favored Class Bonuses