
MistveilRaces → Halflings
Halflings get their name from their stature, averaging around three feet tall, making them the same height as the average two to three year old Human. They have high variety of skin tones and hair types but commonly have short and very curly hair. Halflings have pointed ears similar to High Elves but not as long, they're similar proportionally to Human ears.

Halflings in Baylore

Another common race native to the country of Baylore, Halflings are a race of merchants, diplomats, and gamblers. These short humanoids are famous (or infamous) for their kind behavior, delicious cooking, and their mischievous natures. Halflings' size and increased agility make them talented thieves and acrobats but their small stature does make them physically weaker than some other races.

Halflings in Parcël


Live in New Voadlan

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Homebrew racial stats, currently using vanilla