High Elves

MistveilRaces → High Elves
High Elves are taller than the average Human by about six to eight inches, tend to have more slender builds, and are known for their grace, wide eyes, and long pointed ears. Although their skin and hair colors vary wildly, just like Humans, the most common High Elf has lighter toned skin and hair.

High Elves in Baylore

Long ago, the Elves of Mortend had their own culture and kingdom but they were one of the first victims of the rise of the Lord of Rot and he hunted them down ruthlessly. After his empire fell, the few groups of surviving High Elves mostly joined with Human societies. All these years later, in Baylore, full High Elves are a rare sight but after mingling with them for so long, it isn't rare at all to find Human families with subtle Elven traits. Although the surviving High Elves do not face much discrimination in Baylore day to day, the noble families that run the country still value "pure" Human bloodlines.

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Homebrew racial stats, currently using vanilla