
MistveilRaces → Suli-Khan
The Suli-Khan, normally referred to simply as Suli, are a special race of Elves who came into existence after a clan of High Elves were influenced by a powerful Efreeti over a thousand years ago; the children those Elves bore were the first of the Suli. Suli have the same build as their High Elven progenitors but tend to have darker skin tones and much shorter lifespans.

Suli-Khan in Cathair-Shae

On the continent of Mortend the Suli reside in the city-state of Cathair-Shae on the coast of the Glittering Gulf where they make a living as merchants and pirates. The Suli worship their ancestors and believe that one should live in comfort and luxury in life before serving their people in death. In Cathair-Shae undeath is something to be revered and respected so when a Suli passes away, if they led a good life in the eyes of their people, their bodies are brought to a hidden sacred tomb in the Deadlands to be brought back by the Cursed Sands. The Suli who undergo this "resurrection" do not return as mindless hostile undead however like most of the creatures that pass in the Deadlands, they are entombed with a special golden mask that protects their bodies from decomposing and makes them subservient to other Suli. These undead act as the work force for Cathair-Shae and perform most of the Suli's manual labor, but are treated with the utmost care by their people.

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Suli-Khan Racial Traits

Suli-Khan Alternate Racial Traits

Suli-Khan Favored Class Bonuses