Air Sylphs
Mistveil → Races → Sylphs → Air Sylphs
Air Sylphs are thin, pale, and have white circular marks across their body. Often mistaken for albino versions of whatever race they were before their rebirth, Air Sylphs are known for being comprehensive and wise. Some unique traits an Air Sylph have could be a light breeze that follows them around.
Air Sylph Racial Traits
- Ability Score Racial Traits: Air Sylphs are nimble and wise but tend to be more fragile than normal. They gain +2 Dex, +2 Wis, and -2 Con.
- Size: Air Sylphs are Medium creatures.
- Type: Air Sylphs are Outsiders with the Native Subtype.
- Base Speed: Air Sylphs have a base speed of 30 feet.
- Languages: Air Sylph's native language is Auran.
- Energy Resistance: Air Sylphs have Electricity Resistance of 5.
- Spell-Like Ability (Sp): Air Sylphs can use Feather Fall 1/day (caster level equals the Air Sylph's character level).
- Low-Light Vision: Air Sylphs can see twice as far as normal in dim light.
- Wind's Guardian: An eternal wind seems to surround and protect Air Sylph, any ranged attack aimed at the Air Sylph has a miss chance equal to the Air Sylph's dexterity score + half the Air Sylph's character level. This does not stack with any other source that provides a miss chance, the Air Sylph just uses whichever is higher.
- Air Affinity: Air Sylphs with the elemental (air) bloodline treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer spells and class abilities. Air Sylph spellcasters with the Air Domain use their domain powers and spells at +1 caster level.
- Age: Sylphs age at a slightly faster rate of whatever race they were before becoming infused with elemental energy. They reach each age category 25% faster than their born race.
Air Sylph Alternate Racial Traits
- Air Insight: Air Sylph spellcasters sometimes find that their elemental heritage makes creatures of Air more willing to serve them. Summon Monster and Summon Nature’s Ally spells that the Air Sylph casts last 2 rounds longer than normal when used to summon creatures with the Air Subtype. This racial trait replaces Air Affinity.
- Run like the Wind: Air Sylph are thin and wispy like the wind that infuses them but some have even more physical traits that resemble that. Air Sylphs with this racial trait has a base land speed of 35 feet instead of 30 feet. This racial trait alters the Air Sylphs Base Speed and replaces Energy Resistance.
- Subtle Change: Some Air Sylphs have appearances much closer to the race they were before their transformation occurred; in fact, they may not even realize their true race. Such Air Sylphs appear to be whichever race they belonged to previously, save perhaps minor features like unusual eye color, and they count as humanoid, with the same subtype as their original race, as well as outsider (native) for all purposes (such as humanoid-affecting spells such as Charm Person or Enlarge Person). These Air Sylphs do not automatically gain the Auran language (but may select it as a bonus language if their Intelligence is high enough). This ability alters the Air Sylph's type, subtype, and languages.
- Sky Speaker: Air Sylphs with this racial trait feel kinship toward the creatures of the air, and can use Speak with Animals once per day to speak to birds or other flying animals. Her caster level for these effects is equal to her character level. This racial trait replaces the Air Sylph’s spell-like ability racial trait.
- Weather Savvy: Some Air Sylphs are so in tune with the natural state of the elements that they can sense the slightest change in atmospheric conditions. Air Sylphs with this trait can spend a full-round action to predict the weather in an area for the next 24 hours. The Air Sylph's prediction is always accurate, but cannot account for spells or supernatural effects that might alter the forecast. This racial trait replaces the Air Sylph’s spell-like ability racial trait.
- Sting like Wind: If an Air Sylph trains to fight they might may find themselves naturally inclined towards a weapon that mimics the natural movements of harsh winds. An Air Sylph with this racial traits gains Weapon Focus as a bonus feat but must choose a weapon that deals piercing damage. This racial trait replaces Air Affinity.
- Patience of Wind: Air Sylphs are persistent and patient like the wind infused within them. Air Sylphs with this racial trait gain Patient Strike as a bonus feat. This racial trait replaces Air Affinity.
Air Sylph Favored Class Bonuses
- Cleric: Add a +1/2 bonus on Knowledge (planes) checks relating to The Elemental Conflux and creatures with the air subtype.
- Druid: Add a +1/2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks relating to weather and flying animals.
- Inquisitor: Add a +1/2 bonus on Stealth checks while motionless and on opposed Perception checks.
- Monk: Add +1 to the monk’s base speed. In combat this option has no effect unless the monk has selected it five times (or another increment of five). This bonus stacks with the monk’s fast movement class feature and applies under the same conditions as that feature.
- Oracle: Add +1/6 to the oracle’s level for the purpose of determining the effects of one revelation.
- Rogue: Add a +1/2 bonus on Acrobatics checks to jump and a +1/2 bonus on Sense Motive checks.
- Skald: Add a +1 bonus on concentration checks when casting skald spells.
- Sorcerer: Choose a bloodline power from the djinni or elemental (air) bloodline that the sorcerer can use. The sorcerer treats her class level as though it were +1/6 higher (to a maximum of +2) when determining the effects of that power.
- Summoner: Add +1 hit point or +1 skill rank to the summoner’s eidolon.
- Witch: Add a +1/2 bonus on Stealth checks and Perception checks made by the witch’s familiar. If the Sylph ever replaces her familiar, the new familiar gains these bonus skill ranks.
- Wizard: Select one arcane school power from the air elemental schools that the wizard can currently use. The wizard treats her class level as though it were +1/6 higher (to a maximum of +2) when determining the effects of that power.