
MistveilRaces → Thri-Kreen
The Thri-Kreen are a race of mantis-like, insectoid humanoids who specialize in traversing and hunting in the dangerous Deadlands where they live. Thri-Kreen on average stand at a height of six feet when they stretch out their digitigrade legs and weigh 200 pounds. They are closely related to the Formians and likely had a similar ancestor or origin but where the Formian work as a telepathic hivemind and rely on powerful members of their race to lead them, the Thri-Kreen have much more developed minds making them capable of verbal speech, although limited to their own language due to the structure of their throat and mouth, enhanced psionic ability, and a strong sense of independence which the Thri-Kreen have grasped onto strongly. They are a very isolated race, rarely traveling or living among others even of their own kind except to mate and only interacting with other individuals or groups to serve a purpose such as performing a job or trading for things they need. The only known place to find Thri-Kreen on Mortend is the Deadlands, which is where they were suspected to have lived since before it became what it is today, but their history is nearly impossible to track down because of their aversion to forming a culture, leading to next to no written history. The Thri-Kreen are often thought to be alien by Humans and other "civilized" races because they do not think the same way as them. Thri-Kreen respect honor and strength but do not have a concept of beauty or dignity. They have no qualms with trading with one humanoid then eating the next because first he needed materials, then he needed food. They are intelligent enough to understand laws and social taboos of other races but likely could never truly grasp the reasoning behind such rules.

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Thri-Kreen Racial Traits

Thri-Kreen Alternate Racial Traits


Thri-Kreen Favored Class Bonuses