Mistveil → Races → Thri-Kreen
The Thri-Kreen are a race of mantis-like, insectoid humanoids who specialize in traversing and hunting in the dangerous Deadlands where they live. Thri-Kreen on average stand at a height of six feet when they stretch out their digitigrade legs and weigh 200 pounds. They are closely related to the Formians and likely had a similar ancestor or origin but where the Formian work as a telepathic hivemind and rely on powerful members of their race to lead them, the Thri-Kreen have much more developed minds making them capable of verbal speech, although limited to their own language due to the structure of their throat and mouth, enhanced psionic ability, and a strong sense of independence which the Thri-Kreen have grasped onto strongly. They are a very isolated race, rarely traveling or living among others even of their own kind except to mate and only interacting with other individuals or groups to serve a purpose such as performing a job or trading for things they need. The only known place to find Thri-Kreen on Mortend is the Deadlands, which is where they were suspected to have lived since before it became what it is today, but their history is nearly impossible to track down because of their aversion to forming a culture, leading to next to no written history. The Thri-Kreen are often thought to be alien by Humans and other "civilized" races because they do not think the same way as them. Thri-Kreen respect honor and strength but do not have a concept of beauty or dignity. They have no qualms with trading with one humanoid then eating the next because first he needed materials, then he needed food. They are intelligent enough to understand laws and social taboos of other races but likely could never truly grasp the reasoning behind such rules.
Thri-Kreen Racial Traits
- Ability Score Racial Traits: Thri-Kreen and strong and agile but they think differently from most humanoids and have a hard time relating to folk of other races. They gain +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence, and –4 Charisma.
- Size: Thri-Kreen are Medium creatures
- Type: Thri-Kreen are Humanoids with the Thri-Kreen and Psionic subtypes.
- Base Speed: Thri-Kreen have a base speed of 40 feet.
- Languages: Thri-Kreen's natural language is simply called Thri-Kreen, but they are incapable of speaking any other language. They can still learn to read and write any language like normal however. It is possible to address multiple creatures at once telepathically, although maintaining a telepathic conversation with more than one creature at a time is just as difficult as simultaneously speaking and listening to multiple people at the same time.
- Telepathy: Thri-Kreen are capable of mentally communicating with any other creature within 60ft that has a language.
- Exoskeletal Shell: A Thri-Kreen’s exoskeleton is tough and resistant to blows, granting them a +1 bonus to Natural Armor.
- Multiple Limbs: Thri-Kreen have a second pair of smaller arms below their main arms. These limbs have more complex hand structures and are used for anything that requires fine motor skills but are still weaker than their larger arms and cannot be used to attack. They can be used to carry extra weapons or items however and can switch between sets of weapons held in their other limbs as a swift action.
- Natural Attacks: Thri-Kreen can attack with two claws by using their larger arms and a bite. These natural attacks do normal damage for a medium creature (1d4 for claws; 1d6 for bite) but unlike normal natural attacks, a Thri-Kreen's bite is considered a secondary attack if it is combined with any other attack, even other natural attacks and is only considered a primary attack when it is used alone.
- Poison (Ex): Bite, initial damage 1d3 Dex, secondary damage paralysis, DC 11 + Con modifier. A Thri-Kreen produces sufficient poison for only one poisonous bite per day. Only one save is needed to resist the poison and it is only strong enough to paralyze it's victim for 1 round, after which they are considered to have automatically made their saving throw and are no longer poisoned.
- Weapon Familiarity: Thri-Kreen can treat gythkas and chatkchas as martial weapons rather than exotic weapons.
- Naturally Psionic: Thri-Kreen gain 1 bonus power point at 1st level. This benefit does not grant them the ability to manifest powers unless they gain that ability through another source, such as levels in a psionic class.
- Psi-Like Abilities: 1/day Chameleon, Concealing Amorpha, Metaphysical Claw. Manifester level is equal to 1/2 Hit Dice (minimum 1st). The save DCs are Charisma-based.
- Darkvision: Thri-Kreen can see in the dark up to 30 feet.
- Age:
- Adulthood: 5 years
- Middle Age: 16 years
- Old: 20 years
- Venerable: 25 years
- Maximum Age: 35 years
Thri-Kreen Alternate Racial Traits
Thri-Kreen Favored Class Bonuses