Wood Elves

MistveilRaces → Wood Elves
These "Elves", once native to the Feywilds according to their legends, are actually not Elves at all but have been named “Wood Elves” or “Wild Elves” because of physical traits they share with High Elves. Their actual name in Sylvian, translated to Common, means "One of the Forest" but the name Wood Elf has been used for so long that most even refer to themselves that way in Common.

The Wood Elves worship nature and have sculpted their culture around those beliefs by either focusing on surviving off the land or performing magical rituals to invoke its power. They see animals as emissaries of nature and have been known to form bonds with them, even though their predatory nature and carnivore diet would normally prevent such a thing. Physically, Wood Elves look similar to High Elves except their pointed ears are considerably longer, their features tend to be more intense, they are often shorter, and (seemly to adapt to their surroundings) their hair tends to brown like tree bark or white like the snow that blankets their forests, depending on the weather of where they live.

Wood Elves in Baylore

Wood Elves in the Divine Kingdom of Baylore have no native settlement in the country but take up residence in the city of Malfield, in the Canopy District. The Wood Elves came to the city as refugees from the north and were put into a slum recently emptied due to a plague that had ravaged the poor communities of the city. Although sold as a generous act of housing, it is mostly accepted that the officials hoped to use the remnant of the plague that still lingered to solve their refugee problem in a way that wouldn't put any blame on themselves. However the talented druids among the refugees were able to completely expel the plague and cure those who were still alive and affected by it. This gave the Wood Elves a lot of support among the residents of the city and, although the nobles may have disagreed, most of the city's residents were happy to consider the area the Wood Elves were thrown to be practically their own mini sovereign nation, and that arrangement mostly lasts to this day. The slum was renamed the Canopy District and now is a literal forest grown atop the remains of the old district, a stark contrast to the rest of the very modernized city.

Wood Elves in Parcël

The Wood Elves of the Eversnow Forest are not native to the land of Parcël, but have been there for so many generations that there are likely none alive that knew the land before their appearance. They reside in the settlement of Góra and mostly keep to themselves, being distrusting of other factions' possible ulterior motive for seeking entrance to their home. This is likely because, when melted down and used to make medicines, the snow of the forest has magical healing properties and the Wood Elves living there are suspicious that others would attempt to seize this magic for themselves if they were to find out about it. Although not outwardly hostile, the Wood Elves of the Eversnow Forest have pledged to not get involved in the matters of other groups and just seek to live peacefully, partaking in their traditions of ritualistic hunting and prayer.

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Wood Elf Racial Traits

Wood Elf Alternate Racial Traits

Wood Elf Favored Class Bonuses