Identifying Magic Items
Mistveil → Rules → Identifying Magic Items
Identifying Magic Items with Spells
In order to identify the properties of a magic item, you can achieve it in one of two ways.
First, with the use of the Identify spell, which can determine the magical properties of almost any magic item.
Second, if the magic item you are attempting to identify is the same type of item that you have the appropriate Item Crafting feat for, you can make a Spellcraft check with a DC of 15 + the item’s caster level. This process takes 1 hour for all items except Potions and Scrolls, which only take 30 minutes using this method. If you fail the Spellcraft check your time is wasted but you can try again the following day.
Scrolls can also be identified with one other method. Use of the Read Magic spell allows you to attempt a Spellcraft check in the same way as if you had the Scribe Scroll feat as long as you can cast the spell with a duration of at least 30 minutes (or have the ability to cast it several times totaling a duration of at least 30 minutes) to have the time to fully identify the scroll.
Most other abilities that allow the character to identify specific items, such as the Alchemist's ability to identify potions with the Craft (Alchemy) skill still function the same way.
Identifying Magic Items with Spheres of Power
When using Spheres of Power, magic item properties can be identified with the Divine ability of the Divination Sphere as per usual.
In addition, if you possess the Improved Cantrips feat, you can identify magic items via the Spellcraft skill as if you were using Detect Magic according to the unmodified rules for identifying magic items.