Luck Points
Mistveil → Rules → Luck Points
As a complimentary system to Hero Points, Luck Points are a more common form of reward which have no maximum. A player can use the luck points to increase (or decrease if they really wanted to) any of their d20 rolls after the roll is made but before the results are announced by the GM at a rate of 1 point per +1 (or -1) you want to apply to the roll.
You can also increase the results of an ally’s d20 roll by spending Luck Points but at half the rate, so 2 points per +1 you want to apply to the roll. This increase changes the result, like a modifier, not the roll itself so this cannot be used to increase a roll into a weapon’s critical range or make a roll count as a natural 20 if it wasn’t rolled naturally. If a player gains a Hero Point while they are already at max capacity, it is converted into 4 Luck Points.