Blood Money

MistveilSpells → Blood Money
School transmutation; Level arcanist 1, magus 1, red mantis assassin 1, sorcerer 1, witch 1, wizard 1;
Casting Time 1 swift action
Components V, S
Range 0ft
Effect 1 material component
Duration Special: See text (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

You cast blood money just before casting another spell. As part of this spell’s casting, you must cut one of your hands, releasing a stream of blood that causes you to take 1d6 points of damage. When you cast another spell in that same round, your blood transforms into one material component of your choice required by that second spell. Even valuable components worth more than 1 gp can be created, but creating such material components requires an additional cost of 1 point of Constitution damage, plus a further point of damage for every full 500 gp of the component’s value (so a component worth 500–999 gp costs a total of 2 points, 1,000–1,500 costs 3, etc.). You cannot create magic items or permanent objects with blood money, nor can you use it to cast permanency or resurrection spells.

For example, a sorcerer with the spell Stoneskin prepared could cast blood money to create the 250 gp worth of diamond dust required by that spell, taking 1d6 points of damage and 1 point of Constitution damage in the process.

The duration of blood money extends for as long the effects of the spell it fuels persist. While blood money remains in effect, the Constitution damage it caused during casting cannot be healed by any means. When blood money ends, the second spell immediately ends and all of its effects cease. The constitution damage remains once blood money ends, but can heal normally through natural or magical means.

Material components created by blood money transform back into blood at the end of the round if they have not been used as a material component, ending the spell. Spellcasters who do not have blood cannot cast blood money, and those who are immune to Constitution damage (such as undead spellcasters) cannot use blood money to create valuable material components. Because the magic is tied to the life force of the caster, the caster must be in their own body to cast this spell.