Hungry Shadows
Mistveil → Spells → Hungry Shadows
School: Conjuration [shadow]
Level: Warlock 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels)
Duration: Concentration + 2 rounds
Saving Throw: none; Spell Resistance: no
You create a minuscule breach into the Shadowfey. The breach results in a small pool of shadow-stuff that radiates in a 20-foot radius of the portal, darkening the area as a Darkness spell. The breach also trails with it a swarm of Fine-sized creatures from the Plane, who fill the area of the spell. These nameless scavengers from the twisted forests of the Shadowfey will attempt to devour anyone not native to their homeland who crosses their path. Through the casting of this spell however, the caster appears to be a denizen of the plane, and as such is immune to the attacks of the swarm, though not the darkness effect of the breach.
For the purposes of the spell, the swarm counts as a bat swarm, except the swarm is Fine-sized and fills the entire spell area. If the swarm receives enough damage to kill it, it ends the spell, dispelling the darkness.