Mistveil → Traits
When you create your character, ask your GM how many traits you can select. In default Mistveil games a new PC can choose up to two traits plus up to two bonus traits if they take drawbacks (one bonus trait per drawback). Some GMs may wish to adjust this number somewhat, depending upon their style of play. Even if your GM normally doesn’t allow bonus traits at character creation, you might still be able to pick up some with the Additional Traits feat. Homebrew traits are highly encouraged as well so work with your GM to make traits that work best for your character and fit your backstory. Below are some examples of homebrew traits used in Mistveil games.
Tools of War
Type: Equipment
You've spent a large portion of your life around a forge for an army or other militaristic group, assisting in the creation of armor and weapons. You pressed so many breastplates and hammered out endless swords and as such they have all become part of the same task for you.
Benefits: Whenever using the Craft (Weapons) or Craft (Armor) skill to craft or repair nonmagical weapons or armor, you use whichever of the two has a higher bonus. In addition you get a +2 in one of those two skills, chosen when you take this trait.
Versatile Education
Type: Race
Your adaptable genetics have given you an edge over others when it comes to picking up and mastering new talents.
Prerequisites: Human or Half-Human
Benefits: Pick a number of skills equal to your Intelligence modifier (min 1) up to a maximum of three, those skills are always class skills for you.
Potent Bloodline
Type: Magic
Your family has specifically cultivating your Sorcerer Bloodline in a way to make it stronger.
Prerequisites: Sorcerer with Bloodline class feature.
Benefits: You gain access to your Bloodline Bonus Spells one level sooner than normal.
Hunter's Strength
Type: Social
You grew up in a village of hunters, spending your days stacking and carrying heavy packs of weapons, meat, hides, and more. It has made you well suited to carrying goods without it impeding your movement.
Benefits: Consider your strength score to be 2 points higher purely for the purpose of determining your carrying capacity limits.