Bloodvine Jungle
Mistveil → Mortend → Parcël → Bloodvine Jungle
The Bloodvine Jungle, named for the Vampires who have infested it, sits on the south east coast of Parcël and is home to predators of all sorts making it one of the most dangerous places on the island. Not much is known about the area because of these threats but the few adventurers that returned alive report ruins within the jungle that hold great riches. The jungle is nearly enclosed by water which provides protection to the inhabitants of the Double Plains north of the jungle but no such protection existed for the first colony that the country of Esoria attempted to establish on Parcël. The colony was turned to ruin and most of its inhabitants killed or added to the vampiric ranks. The Vanara claim to have originally belonged to a great kingdom within the jungle before the Vampires destroyed it but the truthfulness of this claim is still unknown.
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