Eversnow Forest
Mistveil → Mortend → Parcël → Eversnow Forest
Located in northeastern-most Parcël, the Eversnow Forest resides atop a raised plateau and stays in eternal winter. Although the majority of biomes on Parcël are strange for unknown reasons, the Eversnow Forest tracks its origin, as well as the origin of its inhabitants, the Wood Elves, back to the Feywilds. This is because the Eversnow Forest is not native to Parcël but a planted wood who's saplings were brought to the land generations ago by Wood Elf colonists who came from the Winter Court. The forest wraps around a pseudo-lake, kept thawed and warmed by volcanic vents deep underneath it. This body of water is home to a group of Merfolk who use submerged tunnels to move back and forth from the lake to the ocean coast.
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