Frozen Atoll

MistveilMortendParcël → Frozen Atoll
Located off the northwest coast of Parcël, the Frozen Atoll consists of small islands surrounded by tall and sharp icy mountains. The region's name refers to these frozen mountains but the small islands in the center of the atoll are actually quite habitable and have warm, humid climates for most of the year. These islands are the home to a race of bird-like humanoids collectively known as just Avians but are extremely diverse and consist of dozens of species with unique traits and cultures.

The mountains circling the inner islands are a much more dangerous place in terms of both climate and native creatures. The mountains are very steep and are affected by constant rock slides, avalanches, and blizzards near the peaks. The creatures that live there are either extremely hardy or very talented predators and a faction of Frost Giant-Kin raid the surrounding shorelines for resources as well, constantly setting up temporary camps then moving on to stay ahead of the weather that they may resist, but their equipment cannot.

Settlements & Landmarks

Factions & Native Races

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