Sulfur Fields

MistveilMortendParcël → Sulfur Fields
The Sulfur Fields are the warmest location in Parcël and scarred by a massive crater created ages ago by a meteorite carrying terrible beasts from another world known as Tarrasque. Thankfully it seems the Tarrasque are gone now but the damage to the surrounding area from the impact is still prevalent in the Sulfur Fields which are marked with volcanic vents spewing toxic fumes, razor sharp rocks, and burning lava. Nestled in the northern mountains is a massive lake of lava with an active volcano in the center, constantly leaking the lava that makes up the lake beneath it.

The primary settlement in the area is the Red Acropolis, a huge fortress made of magically enhanced iron and populated by the militaristic Red Dragonspawn.

Settlements & Landmarks

Factions & Native Races

Notable Figures


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